

Of course, when products are being sold, products have to be bought first. We are relying on a good network of suppliers in the European Union. We have exclusive agreements with most of our suppliers and arranged a continuous flow of goods. Because of our ongoing growth we are constantly searching for new suppliers.

We place high value on a high service level. We can send our own pallets at your site to facilitate the storage of your stocklots.
If these pallets are full, Mepco Trading Point will pick them up within 48 hours and deliver empty pallets.
This ensures a continuous outlet for your stocklots which will result in a more efficient warehouse.

Why should you, as a potential supplier, consider selling your 2nd choice products to us?
We give you 5 good reasons!

1. We are an open and transparent company
2. We have a large network of buyers
3. We are logistically well organized
4. Over 30 years of experience in the same markets
5. We guarantee that your products will not be sold in countries that you do not want.

Are you interested in what we can do with your products? Please contact us, we are more than happy to visit you to discuss the possibilities.

Warehouse Mepco Trading Europe


Getting in touch with us is easy by phone or email. If you would like us to contact you, please do not hesitate to fill in the form and we will get in touch with you as quickly as possible.